Friday, December 30, 2016

Short thoughts on 2017

I'm trying to figure out what I really want out of 2017.
I could make these huge goals, but a year really isn't that long. Odds are I wont be able to accomplish the long term goals.

I feel like school takes over most of my year as well.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


This year for Christmas I'm asking the Lord for a few things. One of the main things is to understand Christmas. I don't feel like I have ever properly understood it. I want to understand and believe the significance of Christ's birth. I want that to be the focus.

 Otherwise Christmas is just a disappointment. 

I also want to give. I feel like Christmas isn't Christmas if I haven't sacrificed something to give to someone else. It's always a scary kind of giving that requires going outside of your comfort zone. I'm considering volunteering to make food for kids in Haiti... or deliver Angel Tree presents. Not sure. Both kind of scare me. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016


This week I found the school I would most like to attend for my masters in acting. Today was my mom's last session of chemo. It's not over yet though... She still has five weeks of radiation and possible another month of another drug. I was just sitting here tonight, practicing "Bird Set Free" as a cover, and thinking about my possible future that I look forward to.

Then I remembered that none of this guaranteed. Don't misunderstand though. I am aware that getting into a fancy acting school is a 16/7000 chance. That's not what I mean. I mean life is not guaranteed. I do not know what is going to happen in the next year or five, ten, twenty years. I could get into a car accident or come down with a disease myself. My whole life planned out is not guaranteed. It's just a reminder that I need to be living everyday towards eternity.