Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Everything Could Change

Sometimes good or great things happen over time. Sometimes terrible things happen over time. For example, I recently lost a friend. It wasn't all at once dramatically, but was just as painful.

I've noticed that some really great and terrible things happen very suddenly though.One thing can change everything in a day. I think everyone can think of that one moment where something really awful happened in split seconds. Everyone responds differently to situations to like that. However, sometimes amazing things happen in split seconds. Just the way people cope differently with bad things they also respond differently to spectacular things.

I recently submitted for a film that if I were to get the role it would change everything. I try my best to think rationally about these things. On one side I realize that I am one actress out of the entire country. There are very slim chances of even getting an audition. On the other side I have completely faith that if God wants me in this film that I will be. And in that moment. My whole world changes. Everything I've been working towards could happen in an instant. I want to be sure to document these times where i'm straining, crying, and fighting for my life (it feels like), because I might forget. This is the "climb" you could say.

I'm tracking my package right now as it makes its way to the UK. Praying for favor that the moment it reaches that little office that God changes their eyes to see me and to want me. I know that I'm a nobody, but I believe that I don't have to be someone because I have God.

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